By Staff Writer: Julia Simmons
Photo Credit: Julia Simmons
Bella Cordova started co-ed youth flag football this season. She was made aware of the opportunity to play and immediately knew she wanted to try. Cordova’s team is made up of children aged seven to 11, but there are some in the league as young as six. Cordova, age 11, genuinely enjoys the game. She plays sports all year round- softball, volleyball, and is going to start basketball later this spring.
Even though she’s the only female on her team, the kids treat her fairly. “She’s got a target on her back,” said proud parent Espy Baca. “She’s had two interceptions over the last two games.” Opposing coaches can often be heard instructing their team to ‘cover the girl!’ because Cordova is that big of a threat.
When asked how she feels about her daughter playing flag football, Baca didn’t hesitate. “(It makes me) Very proud. It opens up opportunities for her, and opportunities for other girls who want to play.” Baca hopes that if others see how much fun her daughter has, next season the league will have more than a handful of female players.
Parents can feel assured that the game is safe for their kids. Flag football is a no-contact sport, and the referees are always on field. “Though, (Bella) wishes she could tackle sometimes,” Baca joked when asked about the contact rules in the league. Baca also reiterated that playing sports is good for her daughter all around, not seeing any kind of drop in her grades, and giving Cordova an outlet for energy and stress.
Overall, Bella Cordova is having fun playing flag football, but is also paving the way for young girls in sports.